Friday, April 07, 2006


Close your eyes
Clear your mind
Free your soul.
Open your eyes
Look into his.
They are the first thing you catch,
or rather what catches you.
They size you up and dart around.
Intelligent, deep, they do all the talking.
A voice;
yet strong.
Hands that care,
His heart signifies passion… and soul-
always afire.
Like old vintage wine drink him in.
Savour the taste,
quench your thirst.
Close your eyes…
But just for a second.
Imprint him on your mind.
Imprison him in your heart.
That’s all you might have of him.
A vision.
Open your eyes…
All you see is nature,
all you hear is your breathing…
Did you close your eyes for more than a second?
You’re alone.
He’s gone.
Just a memory.
Barely a fantasy.
Maybe a dream.
My young Lochinvar has vanished over the glen…
But this time alone…
Without his lover…
Without me…
Perhaps the great love of ones life is not meant to last.
Perhaps that’s how ours became that great love…
…by ending…

Pas a Pas se va luènh

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