Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time in a land known to only those who wish to believe; there lived people, creatures, characters, of every kind; who inhabited places from the most bizarre to the most commonplace. Like many worlds this one came into being due to a thought, an idea, a flash of inspiration, a vision, a purpose, a belief. The finest minds armed themselves with their tools; a quill, an inkpot, their imagination, their love for the unknown and the belief that what they created would tide over the young when they needed to start believing and the old; when they had nothing left to believe in. Thus began the creation of this world. With a reason to believe and give others something to believe in. Unlike many other worlds, this one exists only to those who believe in it. Otherwise “Poof!” It’s not there!

Pas a Pas se va luènh

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