Saturday, May 05, 2007

Booked For Life - 2

(Here's another treasure I found on one of my many treasure hunts across the topography of the book world)

by Kate Moss
What we leave behind in this life is the memory of who we are and what we did. An imprint, no more. I have learned much. I have become wise. But have I made a difference? I cannot tell. Pas a pas, se va luènh.
I have watched the green of spring give way to the gold of summer, the copper of autumn give way to the white of winter as I have sat and waited for the fading light. Over and over again I have asked myself why? If I had known how it would feel to live with such loneliness, to stand, the sole witness to the endless cycle of birth and life and death, what would I have done?

Pas a Pas se va luènh

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Zahir

Would like to quote the epigraph that WH Auden wrote in memory of WB Yeats.

The words of a dead man /
Are modified in the guts of the living.

